Other Daily Asthma Medication

Other Daily Asthma Medication

Other Daily Asthma Medication

Before discussing other daily asthma medication, we have to know in advance about the reliever inhaler side effects.

Daily Asthma Medication

Reliever inhalers side effects and deterrent
As long as their use does not exceed the dose of reliever inhaler, is a safe treatment that does not have many side effects. Side effects that may occur in the use of high doses of which are headaches, muscle cramps, and a bit of shaking (tremor) on hand. These side effects usually only last for a few minutes.

Just as a reliever inhaler, asthma reliever inhaler with handling also proved to be very safe in regular doses. The side effects usually occur at high doses and in the use of long-term use. The side effect is a yeast infection in the mouth or throat, also known as oral candidiasis. The other side effect is your voice become hoarse. However, these side effects can be prevented if you use a spacer. In addition, it is recommended to rinse out with clean water after using preventive inhalers.

Reliever inhalers for use in slow reactions, side effects that may occur are the headache, muscle cramps, and a little shaky on hand. The doctor usually will explain to you about the benefits and risks of the treatment. Usually, your condition will be monitored at the beginning of treatment and reviewed regularly. If the use of inhalers slow reaction relief failed to relieve Your asthma, stop immediately.

Countermeasures asthma attacks with inhalers
If all of a sudden asthma symptoms You relapse, do three main things here. The first is the type of reliever inhaler immediately remove suction and as much as 1 or 2 times. After that, do the second step with how to sit quietly and try to breathe in the stable. When the symptoms of asthma are still not died down, then do step three way sucking inhalers you back twice (or up to 10 times if necessary) every two minutes.

When all these steps still do not relieve asthma symptoms and you worry conditions could get worse, then immediately phone an ambulance or ask those around you to take you to the hospital. Before you actually get the handling of a hospital, continues to repeat step three.

Other Daily Asthma Medications
In addition to handling asthma inhalers, with can also be done with drugs such as:

Oral steroids. Steroid tablets may be prescribed if Your asthma is still not can control. This treatment is usually monitored by a pulmonary specialist who handles asthmatics because if used on a long-term (for example, more than three months), risk causing certain side effects, such as hypertension, weight gain, muscle weakening, thinning of the skin and easy bruising. In addition, more serious side effects that may occur are cataracts and glaucoma. Therefore, treatment with oral steroids is only recommended if you have done the way other treatment, but have not been successful. Most people only need to use oral steroids for 1-2 weeks and as additional drugs to handle the additional infection (such as infection of the lung). Usually, they will return to the previous treatment of asthma can be controlled. We recommend that you routinely checked me to avoid osteoporosis, diabetes, and high blood pressure.

Theophylline tablets. Drugs that can be used as preventive medicine asthma symptoms this work by helping to widen the airway with relaxes the muscles around it. In some people, theophylline tablets are known to cause side-effects, such as nausea, headaches, vomiting, insomnia, and upset stomach. But this can usually be avoided by adjustment of dosage.

Leukotriene receptor antagonist Tablet (montelukast). This medication works by inhibiting a part of the chemical reaction that causes inflammation in the respiratory tract. Just like theophylline, a drug used to prevent asthma symptoms. Leukotriene receptor antagonist may cause side effects in the form of a headache and upset stomach.

Ipratropium. Although more prescribed in cases of chronic bronchitis and emphysema, ipratropium can also be used to cope with asthma attacks. These drugs are able to smoothen the flow of breathing in a way relaxes muscles are tightened when the respiratory symptoms of asthma attack.

Omalizumab. The drug is able to lower the risk of inflammation of the respiratory tract by way of tying one of the proteins involved in immune response and reduce the blood simply applied. Generally, omalizumab is recommended for sufferers of asthma due to allergies and asthma attacks often experience. As a drug that is usually only prescribed by specialist doctors, omalizumab awarded by way of injected every 2-4 weeks. The use of omalizumab should be stopped if the drug does not successfully control your asthma within sixteen weeks.

Bronchial thermoplastic. This is a new asthma treatment procedures are still being examined and not yet available in Indonesia. In some cases, this procedure is used to treat severe asthma by way of damaging the muscles around the airway can reduce the constriction on the respiratory tract. There is some evidence to suggest that this procedure can reduce asthma attacks and to improve the quality of life of sufferers of severe asthma. Even so, the profits or losses are long-term not yet fully known.

Complementary to its treatment methods
Breathing exercises is a complementary method of treatment of asthma is most recommended. And there is evidence that these methods can reduce asthma symptoms and medication needs relief on some people. Breathing exercises can include yoga, Buteyko breathing technique, breathing techniques taught and physiotherapist.
In addition to the breathing exercises, other complementary treatment methods are:

  • Acupuncture
  • Traditional Chinese herbal medicine
  • Homeopathy
  • Oral supplement therapy
  • Hypnosis
  • Ionization Therapy
  • Chiropractic

Nevertheless, among all the complementary medicine have been mentioned, just breathing exercises are proven to be effective at reducing the symptoms and needs of sufferers will cure asthma. For other complementary therapies, still required further research will effect against asthma.
Daily Asthma Medications

Daily Asthma Medications

Daily Asthma Medications

The goal of daily asthma medications is to control asthma symptoms and prevent the onset of the back attack. For the majority of sufferers of asthma, medications and treatment methods are proven effective in keeping asthma symptoms remains controlled.

To get effective results, doctors need to adjust treatment with asthma symptoms that appear. In addition, patients also have to undergo examination on a regular basis (at least once a year) to make sure its treatment suited and asthma has been in control. Sometimes patients require a higher level of treatment at a certain period of time.

Daily Asthma Medications

Handling an asthma plan
Information about medicines should be included in the plan of handling asthma. This handling plan can also help you know when symptoms can worsen and what steps should be taken. At least once a year, the asthma plan of handling you should review the joint doctor. Even in a more regular review needs to be done if asthma symptoms had reached severe levels.

You may be advised to buy a peak flow meter (PFM) or flow gauges ekphrasis peak as part of treatment. This way you can monitor your own asthma so it can know asthma attacks early and took the step of handling the need.

The recommended daily asthma medications
Asthma medicines typically given via a tool called inhaler (for asthma breathe in the medication). This tool can send drugs into the respiratory tract directly to the way inhaled through the mouth. Asthma medication use by way of inhaled drug effective because the assessed directly to the lungs. Even so, each of the inhalers work in different ways. Usually the doctor will teach you how to use the tool and do a checkup at least once a year.

In addition to the inhalers, there are also referred to as a spacer. This is a metal or plastic container equipped with a suction funnel at one end and a hole in the other end for paired inhalers. When the inhaler is pressed, the drug will enter into the spacer and inhaled through a funnel spacer itself. Spacer can also reduce the risk of thrush in the mouth or throat due to side effects of medication for asthma that is inhaled.

The spacer is able to increase the number of drugs that reach the lungs and reduces side effects. Some people even find it easier to wear than spacer inhaler only. In fact, because it can improve the distribution of the drug into the lungs, the use of the spacer is often recommended.

As part of the handling of asthma is good, it is important for you to ensure that your doctor or pharmacists to teach how to use inhalers properly.

There are two types of inhalers used in handling asthma, namely:

Reliever inhalers. Reliever inhalers used to relieve asthma symptoms quickly when an attack is in progress. Usually, these inhalers containing drugs called short-acting beta2-agonist or beta2-agonist that has quick reactions (e.g. salbutamol and terbutaline). The drug is able to loosen the muscles around the airway narrowing. That way, the respiratory tract can open wider and makes the person with asthma can breathe easier again. The drugs contained in Reliever inhalers rarely cause any side effects and is safe to use as long as no exaggeration. Reliever inhalers need not often used anymore if asthma is already well under control. For people with asthma should use this medication more than three times in a week, then the overall handling needs to be reviewed.

Preventive inhalers. Besides being able to prevent the occurrence of asthma attacks, preventive inhalers can also reduce the amount of inflammation and sensitivity that occurs within the respiratory tract. Usually, you should use the preventive inhaler every day for a while before you feel its benefits intact. You may also need a reliever inhalers to relieve symptoms when asthma attacks occur. But if you constantly need a reliever inhaler, then Your handling should be reviewed in its entirety. Generally recommended preventive treatment if you experience asthma attacks more than twice in a week, having to use a reliever inhaler more than two times in a week, or waking up at night once or more in a week due to asthma attacks. Preventive inhalers usually contain a steroid medicine such as beclometasone, budesonide, mometasone, and fluticasone. Smoking can decrease the performance of this medication.

If asthma failed to subside by the above treatment, doctors can increase the doses of preventive inhalers. If these steps do not also can control asthma symptoms, the doctor will usually give You additional medications called long-acting asthma relief reliever or a drug reaction is slow (long-acting bronchodilator/long-acting beta2-agonist or LABA). Improved same with quick reaction relief medication, just that its performance takes a longer time and the effect can last up to 12 hours. Reliever inhalers slow reaction example is salmeterol and formoterol.

Because of the PROFIT also does not relieve inflammation in asthmatic airway, this medication can aggravate asthma symptoms while hiding. This increases the likelihood of severe asthma attacks that might harm the soul of the sufferer. Therefore always use inhalers or inhaler combination combined with inhalation steroids and long-term bronchodilator in one device.
The Diagnosis Of Asthma

The Diagnosis Of Asthma

The Diagnosis Of Asthma

To find out whether a patient is suffering from asthma, the doctor will need to perform a number of tests. But before the test is carried out, the doctor will usually ask questions about the perceived symptoms, such as whether the patient likes to experience shortness of breath, chest pain, wheezing, it's tough to talk, and condition your lips or fingernails change color to bluish.

If the answer is positive, then the doctor will ask about the time the appearance of the symptoms. For example, if when the evening or early morning, when exercising, when smoked, while near the animal, when to laugh, when feeling stressed, or unpredictable. In addition, doctors also need to ask whether the patient has a family who has a history of asthma or allergies.

Daily Asthma Medications

If the entire description given by patients leads to asthma, then do a physical examination and laboratory tests. Lab tests can be done to strengthen the evidence. The most frequently performed tests is spirometry. In this test, the patient will be asked a doctor to draw a deep breath and breathed as quickly as possible to a device called a spirometer. The purpose of this test is to measure the performance of the lungs with Harken to the volume of air that can be breathed patients in one second and total air breathed. The presence of obstacles in the respiratory tract that leads to asthma can be known by doctors after comparing data obtained with a size that is considered healthy people age bracket patients. In addition to heeding a healthy size, asthma can also be detected via spirometry by way of comparing the initial data with data after patients were given the drug inhalers. If after a given inhalers result be nicer, then the patient is likely suffering from asthma.

The next test that can be used to diagnose asthma is a test of the level of a current ekphrasis peak. In a test that helped with a tool called peak flow meters (PFM), the speed of air from the lungs in a single breath that can be breathed by the patient will be measured in order to get the data rate of the current ekphrasis peak (PEFR). Doctors usually advise patients to buy a PFM for use at home, as well as making a record PEFR daily. In addition, patients will also be advised to take note of each of the symptoms that appear so that doctors can know when is asthma worsens.

If the patient feels that the breathing disorder symptoms often recovered when not working, it's likely the patient had severe asthma related to conditions of work. The possibility of the patient in place of work there are substances that trigger a recurrence of symptoms of asthma. This usually happens in people who made their living as nurses, clerks processing plant chemicals, laboratory staff, Carpenter, welder, wood processing workers, animal caretaker, and food processing workers. To support a diagnosis, the doctor will ask the patient usually do a test flow of ekphrasis peak (PEFR) using peak flow meters (PFM), both at work and outside the work environment. From the data obtained, the doctor can estimate whether the patient suffered from asthma due to work.

If you have undiagnosed asthma due to exposure to the substance in the environment work, inform the diagnosis results to the company where you work, especially on the part of health care work. The company has a responsibility to ensure the health of employees.

For example, if Your asthma is triggered content substances in raw materials production, then ask the company to give you the equipment that can protect themselves from exposure to the substance or move You to another division that does not involve directly processing. It can try to ask if the company is not allowed to replace the production of materials with materials that are more secure.

If within a year you keep your asthma when exposed at work, then consider finding a new job.

Other tests
In addition to the current levels of spirometry and tests ekphrasic Summit, several other tests may be needed to reinforce the patient's suspected asthma or help detect diseases other than asthma. Examples of such tests are:

  • Test to see the presence of inflammation in the airway. In this test, your doctor will measure the levels of nitric oxide in the breath when the patient is breathing. If high levels of the substance, then it could be the signs of inflammation of the respiratory tract. In addition to nitric oxide, the doctor will also take samples of phlegm to check if the patient suffered a lung inflammation.
  • Test the responsiveness of airway (bronchial provocation test). This test is used to ensure the patient's respiratory tract how to react when exposed to one of the triggers of asthma. In this test, the patient will usually be asked to dry powder inhalation (mannitol). After that, the patient will be asked to exhale into the spirometer to measure how high the level of change in FEV1 and FVC after exposed to triggers. If the result goes down drastically, then the patient can be estimated to have asthma. In children, in addition to mannitol, media that can be used to trigger asthma is exercise.
  • Checks the status of the allergy. This inspection is carried out to find out whether the symptoms felt by the patients of asthma caused by allergies. For example, on food allergy, dust mites, pollen, or insect bites.
  • Ct Scan. This inspection can be done by doctors if the suspect that the symptoms of breathlessness in patients not due to asthma, but an infection in the lungs or nasal cavity structure abnormalities.
  • An examination of x-rays. The purpose of this inspection is doing the same as an examination of CT Scan, i.e. to see if breathing disorder caused by other conditions.
The Causes Of Asthma

The Causes Of Asthma

The Causes Of Asthma

The cause of asthma is not yet known with certainty. However, there are some things that can trigger the appearance of the symptoms of this disease, including:

  • Infections of the lungs and respiratory tract that generally attack the upper respiratory tract such as the flu.
  • Allergens (animal fur, dust mites, pollen, and flowers).
  • Exposure to substances in the air, for example, chemical fumes, cigarette smoke, and air pollution.
  • Factors such as weather conditions, the cold weather, the weather were windy, hot weather supported bad air quality, weather, humidity, and temperature changes drastically.
  • The condition of the interior of a dank, moldy, and dusty.
  • Stress.
  • Excessive emotion (the protracted grief, anger, and laugh out loud).
  • Physical activity (e.g., sports).
  • Drugs, such as pain relief medications anti-inflammatory nonsteroid (aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen) drugs and inhibitor of beta (usually given to sufferers of heart disorders or hypertension).
  • Food or drink containing sulfites (natural substances that are sometimes used as a preservative), such as jam, shrimps, processed foods, fast food, bottled juice, beer, and wine.
  • Food allergy (e.g. beans).
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) or disease in which stomach acids back up into the esophagus that irritates the upper channel cornea.

It is very important to know what the trigger is often the appearance of symptoms if you are an asthmatic. After you figure it out, avoid those things because that is the best way for you to prevent the occurrence of asthma attacks.

Daily Asthma Medications

Risk factors for asthma
Respiratory tract of people who have asthma is more sensitive and prone to inflammation compared with those of normal when irritated by trigger-trigger that has been mentioned above.
When asthma symptoms appear, the respiratory tract will be narrowed and the muscles around the channel are tightened. In addition, there is an increase in inflammation of the lining of the respiratory tract and increased sputum production adds to the constriction in the respiratory tract.

With the narrowness of the parts of the respiratory tract, then the air flow will be more difficult and the sufferer becomes more difficult to breathe.

According to research, there are several factors that can increase a person's risk for affected by asthma, among them:

  • Have a family with a history of asthma or
  • Atopic allergies (allergic-related conditions, such as food allergies and eczema).
  • Bronchiolitis disease or severe lung infection as a child.
  • Born with a below normal body weight, i.e. less than two pounds.
  • Premature birth, especially if it requires a ventilator.
  • Exposure to cigarette smoke as a child. In the case of mothers who smoked while pregnant, a child's risk for asthma will increase.
Symptoms Of Asthma Attack

Symptoms Of Asthma Attack

Symptoms Of Asthma Attack

Symptoms Of Asthma Attack The main symptoms of asthma include difficulty breathing (sometimes can make sufferers gasping for air), coughing, chest tightness, feels and wheezing (sound generated when air flows through the airway narrowing). When this symptom occurs, often asthmatic became hard to sleep.

The severity of asthma symptoms is diverse, ranging from mild to severe. Worsening of symptoms usually occurs at night or early morning. Often this makes sleep difficult asthmatic and needs of inhalers more often. In addition, the worsening of symptoms can also be triggered by an allergic reaction or physical activity.

Symptoms Of Asthma Attack

Asthma symptoms worsened significantly called asthma attacks. An asthma attack usually occurs within 6-24 hours, or even several days. However, there are some sufferers the symptoms worsen very quickly in less than that time.

In addition to the difficult breathing, chest tightness, and wheezing worsened significantly, other signs of severe asthma attacks may include:

  • Reliever inhalers are no longer powerful in addressing the symptoms.
  • Symptoms of coughing, wheezing and tightness in the chest and often gets worse.
  • Tough talk, eat or sleep due to difficult breathing.
  • Lips and fingers that look blue.
  • Heart rate increased.
  • Feel dizzy, tired, or sleepy.
  • The existence of a decrease in the current ekphrasic.

Do not ignore if you or your family are experiencing signs of asthma attack above. Soon encountered the doctor near you to get further handling.

In addition to the above symptoms of asthma, asthma symptoms can also occur to the child. Here are some signs and symptoms of asthma that occurs in children include:

• Cough
• Nasal Voice or whistling upon breathing
• Short Breath
• Tightening of the muscles of the chest

If the asthma symptoms get worse, quickly bring your child to the nearest doctor.
What Is An Asthma Attack, Let's Understanding Asthma

What Is An Asthma Attack, Let's Understanding Asthma

What Is An Asthma Attack, Let's Understanding Asthma

Asthma is a type of long-term or chronic diseases in respiratory tract characterized by inflammation and constriction of the airway causing a tightness or difficulty breathing. In addition to the difficult breathing, asthma sufferers may also experience other symptoms such as chest pain, coughing, and wheezing. Asthma can be suffered by all age groups, whether young or old.

What Is An Asthma Attack

Although the exact cause of asthma is not known explicitly, but there are some things that often trigger it, such as cigarette smoke, dust, fur, physical activity, cold air, virus infection, or even exposure to chemical substances.

For someone who has asthma, breathing tract is more sensitive than other people who do not live with this condition. When the lungs are irritated skin over the trigger, then the muscles of the respiratory tract asthmatics would be stiff and make the channel narrows. In addition, it will increase the production of phlegm which made breathing more difficult to do.

The diagnosis of asthma
To find out whether a patient is suffering from asthma, then the doctor will need to perform a number of tests. But before the test is carried out, the doctor will usually ask questions on patients about the symptoms of asthma what are the perceived time of recurrence and the patient's health history as well as his family.

If the entire description given in patients leads to asthma, then the next doctor can perform tests to strengthen the diagnosis, for example:

  • Spirometry
  • Peak Flow Test Ekphrasis
  • Bronchial Provocation Test
  • Measurement Of Allergy Status
  • Ct Scan
  • X-rays

If someone suffered from undiagnosed asthma when childhood symptoms, could probably disappear when she was a teenager and reappear when he's more mature. But asthma symptoms are classified as medium or heavy in childhood, will likely still be there though can also reappear. Even so, asthma can appear at any age and are not always starting from childhood.

Treatment of asthma
There are two objectives in the treatment of asthma, that relieve symptoms and prevent recurrence of symptoms. To support these goals, needed treatment from the doctor's plan tailored to the patient's condition. Treatment plans include how to recognize and deal with symptoms that worsened, as well as what drugs should be used.
It is important for patients to recognize the things that may trigger their asthma so you can avoid it. If asthma symptoms appear, a commonly recommended remedy is a reliever inhaler.

When asthma attacks occur with symptoms that worsened (slowly or quickly) despite already dealt with inhalers or other medications, then sufferers should immediately get a response at the hospital. Although rare, asthma attacks may endanger lives. For patients with chronic asthma, inflammation of the respiratory tract that are long and repeatedly can cause constriction of the permanent.

Complications of asthma
Following is the result of the impact of asthma that may occur:

  • Psychological problems (anxiety, stress, or depression).
  • Declining performance in school or on the job.
  • The body often feels tired.
  • Growth and puberty disorders in children.
  • Asiatic's status (condition of severe asthma who don't response with normal therapy).
  • Pneumonia.
  • Failing breathing.
  • Damage to some or all of the lungs.
  • Death.
Controlling asthma
If you happen to have asthma or living with asthma for a long time, do not be anxious about this condition because asthma is a disease that can still be controlled as long as you:
  • Recognize and avoid asthma triggers.
  • Following a plan of handling asthma made along the doctor.
  • Recognizing asthma attacks and perform the proper treatment.
  • Use the recommended asthma medicines by doctors on a regular basis.
  • Monitor Your respiratory tract conditions.
If the use of the asthma reliever inhaler quick reaction further increased, immediately consult a doctor in order to plan Your customized asthma handling returns. In addition, it is recommended to perform the influenza vaccination and pneumonia on a regular basis to prevent the worsening of asthma caused by both the disease