Other Daily Asthma Medication

Other Daily Asthma Medication

Before discussing other daily asthma medication, we have to know in advance about the reliever inhaler side effects.

Daily Asthma Medication

Reliever inhalers side effects and deterrent
As long as their use does not exceed the dose of reliever inhaler, is a safe treatment that does not have many side effects. Side effects that may occur in the use of high doses of which are headaches, muscle cramps, and a bit of shaking (tremor) on hand. These side effects usually only last for a few minutes.

Just as a reliever inhaler, asthma reliever inhaler with handling also proved to be very safe in regular doses. The side effects usually occur at high doses and in the use of long-term use. The side effect is a yeast infection in the mouth or throat, also known as oral candidiasis. The other side effect is your voice become hoarse. However, these side effects can be prevented if you use a spacer. In addition, it is recommended to rinse out with clean water after using preventive inhalers.

Reliever inhalers for use in slow reactions, side effects that may occur are the headache, muscle cramps, and a little shaky on hand. The doctor usually will explain to you about the benefits and risks of the treatment. Usually, your condition will be monitored at the beginning of treatment and reviewed regularly. If the use of inhalers slow reaction relief failed to relieve Your asthma, stop immediately.

Countermeasures asthma attacks with inhalers
If all of a sudden asthma symptoms You relapse, do three main things here. The first is the type of reliever inhaler immediately remove suction and as much as 1 or 2 times. After that, do the second step with how to sit quietly and try to breathe in the stable. When the symptoms of asthma are still not died down, then do step three way sucking inhalers you back twice (or up to 10 times if necessary) every two minutes.

When all these steps still do not relieve asthma symptoms and you worry conditions could get worse, then immediately phone an ambulance or ask those around you to take you to the hospital. Before you actually get the handling of a hospital, continues to repeat step three.

Other Daily Asthma Medications
In addition to handling asthma inhalers, with can also be done with drugs such as:

Oral steroids. Steroid tablets may be prescribed if Your asthma is still not can control. This treatment is usually monitored by a pulmonary specialist who handles asthmatics because if used on a long-term (for example, more than three months), risk causing certain side effects, such as hypertension, weight gain, muscle weakening, thinning of the skin and easy bruising. In addition, more serious side effects that may occur are cataracts and glaucoma. Therefore, treatment with oral steroids is only recommended if you have done the way other treatment, but have not been successful. Most people only need to use oral steroids for 1-2 weeks and as additional drugs to handle the additional infection (such as infection of the lung). Usually, they will return to the previous treatment of asthma can be controlled. We recommend that you routinely checked me to avoid osteoporosis, diabetes, and high blood pressure.

Theophylline tablets. Drugs that can be used as preventive medicine asthma symptoms this work by helping to widen the airway with relaxes the muscles around it. In some people, theophylline tablets are known to cause side-effects, such as nausea, headaches, vomiting, insomnia, and upset stomach. But this can usually be avoided by adjustment of dosage.

Leukotriene receptor antagonist Tablet (montelukast). This medication works by inhibiting a part of the chemical reaction that causes inflammation in the respiratory tract. Just like theophylline, a drug used to prevent asthma symptoms. Leukotriene receptor antagonist may cause side effects in the form of a headache and upset stomach.

Ipratropium. Although more prescribed in cases of chronic bronchitis and emphysema, ipratropium can also be used to cope with asthma attacks. These drugs are able to smoothen the flow of breathing in a way relaxes muscles are tightened when the respiratory symptoms of asthma attack.

Omalizumab. The drug is able to lower the risk of inflammation of the respiratory tract by way of tying one of the proteins involved in immune response and reduce the blood simply applied. Generally, omalizumab is recommended for sufferers of asthma due to allergies and asthma attacks often experience. As a drug that is usually only prescribed by specialist doctors, omalizumab awarded by way of injected every 2-4 weeks. The use of omalizumab should be stopped if the drug does not successfully control your asthma within sixteen weeks.

Bronchial thermoplastic. This is a new asthma treatment procedures are still being examined and not yet available in Indonesia. In some cases, this procedure is used to treat severe asthma by way of damaging the muscles around the airway can reduce the constriction on the respiratory tract. There is some evidence to suggest that this procedure can reduce asthma attacks and to improve the quality of life of sufferers of severe asthma. Even so, the profits or losses are long-term not yet fully known.

Complementary to its treatment methods
Breathing exercises is a complementary method of treatment of asthma is most recommended. And there is evidence that these methods can reduce asthma symptoms and medication needs relief on some people. Breathing exercises can include yoga, Buteyko breathing technique, breathing techniques taught and physiotherapist.
In addition to the breathing exercises, other complementary treatment methods are:

  • Acupuncture
  • Traditional Chinese herbal medicine
  • Homeopathy
  • Oral supplement therapy
  • Hypnosis
  • Ionization Therapy
  • Chiropractic

Nevertheless, among all the complementary medicine have been mentioned, just breathing exercises are proven to be effective at reducing the symptoms and needs of sufferers will cure asthma. For other complementary therapies, still required further research will effect against asthma.

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