The Diagnosis Of Asthma

The Diagnosis Of Asthma

To find out whether a patient is suffering from asthma, the doctor will need to perform a number of tests. But before the test is carried out, the doctor will usually ask questions about the perceived symptoms, such as whether the patient likes to experience shortness of breath, chest pain, wheezing, it's tough to talk, and condition your lips or fingernails change color to bluish.

If the answer is positive, then the doctor will ask about the time the appearance of the symptoms. For example, if when the evening or early morning, when exercising, when smoked, while near the animal, when to laugh, when feeling stressed, or unpredictable. In addition, doctors also need to ask whether the patient has a family who has a history of asthma or allergies.

Daily Asthma Medications

If the entire description given by patients leads to asthma, then do a physical examination and laboratory tests. Lab tests can be done to strengthen the evidence. The most frequently performed tests is spirometry. In this test, the patient will be asked a doctor to draw a deep breath and breathed as quickly as possible to a device called a spirometer. The purpose of this test is to measure the performance of the lungs with Harken to the volume of air that can be breathed patients in one second and total air breathed. The presence of obstacles in the respiratory tract that leads to asthma can be known by doctors after comparing data obtained with a size that is considered healthy people age bracket patients. In addition to heeding a healthy size, asthma can also be detected via spirometry by way of comparing the initial data with data after patients were given the drug inhalers. If after a given inhalers result be nicer, then the patient is likely suffering from asthma.

The next test that can be used to diagnose asthma is a test of the level of a current ekphrasis peak. In a test that helped with a tool called peak flow meters (PFM), the speed of air from the lungs in a single breath that can be breathed by the patient will be measured in order to get the data rate of the current ekphrasis peak (PEFR). Doctors usually advise patients to buy a PFM for use at home, as well as making a record PEFR daily. In addition, patients will also be advised to take note of each of the symptoms that appear so that doctors can know when is asthma worsens.

If the patient feels that the breathing disorder symptoms often recovered when not working, it's likely the patient had severe asthma related to conditions of work. The possibility of the patient in place of work there are substances that trigger a recurrence of symptoms of asthma. This usually happens in people who made their living as nurses, clerks processing plant chemicals, laboratory staff, Carpenter, welder, wood processing workers, animal caretaker, and food processing workers. To support a diagnosis, the doctor will ask the patient usually do a test flow of ekphrasis peak (PEFR) using peak flow meters (PFM), both at work and outside the work environment. From the data obtained, the doctor can estimate whether the patient suffered from asthma due to work.

If you have undiagnosed asthma due to exposure to the substance in the environment work, inform the diagnosis results to the company where you work, especially on the part of health care work. The company has a responsibility to ensure the health of employees.

For example, if Your asthma is triggered content substances in raw materials production, then ask the company to give you the equipment that can protect themselves from exposure to the substance or move You to another division that does not involve directly processing. It can try to ask if the company is not allowed to replace the production of materials with materials that are more secure.

If within a year you keep your asthma when exposed at work, then consider finding a new job.

Other tests
In addition to the current levels of spirometry and tests ekphrasic Summit, several other tests may be needed to reinforce the patient's suspected asthma or help detect diseases other than asthma. Examples of such tests are:

  • Test to see the presence of inflammation in the airway. In this test, your doctor will measure the levels of nitric oxide in the breath when the patient is breathing. If high levels of the substance, then it could be the signs of inflammation of the respiratory tract. In addition to nitric oxide, the doctor will also take samples of phlegm to check if the patient suffered a lung inflammation.
  • Test the responsiveness of airway (bronchial provocation test). This test is used to ensure the patient's respiratory tract how to react when exposed to one of the triggers of asthma. In this test, the patient will usually be asked to dry powder inhalation (mannitol). After that, the patient will be asked to exhale into the spirometer to measure how high the level of change in FEV1 and FVC after exposed to triggers. If the result goes down drastically, then the patient can be estimated to have asthma. In children, in addition to mannitol, media that can be used to trigger asthma is exercise.
  • Checks the status of the allergy. This inspection is carried out to find out whether the symptoms felt by the patients of asthma caused by allergies. For example, on food allergy, dust mites, pollen, or insect bites.
  • Ct Scan. This inspection can be done by doctors if the suspect that the symptoms of breathlessness in patients not due to asthma, but an infection in the lungs or nasal cavity structure abnormalities.
  • An examination of x-rays. The purpose of this inspection is doing the same as an examination of CT Scan, i.e. to see if breathing disorder caused by other conditions.

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