What Is An Asthma Attack, Let's Understanding Asthma

What Is An Asthma Attack, Let's Understanding Asthma

Asthma is a type of long-term or chronic diseases in respiratory tract characterized by inflammation and constriction of the airway causing a tightness or difficulty breathing. In addition to the difficult breathing, asthma sufferers may also experience other symptoms such as chest pain, coughing, and wheezing. Asthma can be suffered by all age groups, whether young or old.

What Is An Asthma Attack

Although the exact cause of asthma is not known explicitly, but there are some things that often trigger it, such as cigarette smoke, dust, fur, physical activity, cold air, virus infection, or even exposure to chemical substances.

For someone who has asthma, breathing tract is more sensitive than other people who do not live with this condition. When the lungs are irritated skin over the trigger, then the muscles of the respiratory tract asthmatics would be stiff and make the channel narrows. In addition, it will increase the production of phlegm which made breathing more difficult to do.

The diagnosis of asthma
To find out whether a patient is suffering from asthma, then the doctor will need to perform a number of tests. But before the test is carried out, the doctor will usually ask questions on patients about the symptoms of asthma what are the perceived time of recurrence and the patient's health history as well as his family.

If the entire description given in patients leads to asthma, then the next doctor can perform tests to strengthen the diagnosis, for example:

  • Spirometry
  • Peak Flow Test Ekphrasis
  • Bronchial Provocation Test
  • Measurement Of Allergy Status
  • Ct Scan
  • X-rays

If someone suffered from undiagnosed asthma when childhood symptoms, could probably disappear when she was a teenager and reappear when he's more mature. But asthma symptoms are classified as medium or heavy in childhood, will likely still be there though can also reappear. Even so, asthma can appear at any age and are not always starting from childhood.

Treatment of asthma
There are two objectives in the treatment of asthma, that relieve symptoms and prevent recurrence of symptoms. To support these goals, needed treatment from the doctor's plan tailored to the patient's condition. Treatment plans include how to recognize and deal with symptoms that worsened, as well as what drugs should be used.
It is important for patients to recognize the things that may trigger their asthma so you can avoid it. If asthma symptoms appear, a commonly recommended remedy is a reliever inhaler.

When asthma attacks occur with symptoms that worsened (slowly or quickly) despite already dealt with inhalers or other medications, then sufferers should immediately get a response at the hospital. Although rare, asthma attacks may endanger lives. For patients with chronic asthma, inflammation of the respiratory tract that are long and repeatedly can cause constriction of the permanent.

Complications of asthma
Following is the result of the impact of asthma that may occur:

  • Psychological problems (anxiety, stress, or depression).
  • Declining performance in school or on the job.
  • The body often feels tired.
  • Growth and puberty disorders in children.
  • Asiatic's status (condition of severe asthma who don't response with normal therapy).
  • Pneumonia.
  • Failing breathing.
  • Damage to some or all of the lungs.
  • Death.
Controlling asthma
If you happen to have asthma or living with asthma for a long time, do not be anxious about this condition because asthma is a disease that can still be controlled as long as you:
  • Recognize and avoid asthma triggers.
  • Following a plan of handling asthma made along the doctor.
  • Recognizing asthma attacks and perform the proper treatment.
  • Use the recommended asthma medicines by doctors on a regular basis.
  • Monitor Your respiratory tract conditions.
If the use of the asthma reliever inhaler quick reaction further increased, immediately consult a doctor in order to plan Your customized asthma handling returns. In addition, it is recommended to perform the influenza vaccination and pneumonia on a regular basis to prevent the worsening of asthma caused by both the disease

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